Current Parents » P-T Conferences

P-T Conferences

Teachers will be available for Parent-Teacher conferences on Wednesday, November 6th from 1:30-7:30 pm and Thursday, November 7th from 8:00 am-12:00 pm. Conferences will be held via Zoom meetings. You may schedule conferences online through Skyward Family Access.  If you have not scheduled times you must do so before joining a conference. If another family member has already scheduled a conference, you will see an asterisk next to the scheduled time slot. Click here to review instructions.

Parents are asked to schedule all conferences in advance. View this short video tutorial for instructions.  If a teacher's schedule is full, contact the teacher directly to schedule an alternate time to review your son's progress. All contact information can be found in the Faculty and Staff Directory.

Note: The conference scheduling tool will close the day before the conference date, see chart below for the time.  You will not be able to add or change a conference after that time. If you are unable to attend a scheduled conference, please email the teacher to let them know.

Wednesday, November 6 - Thursday 7, 2024
Conference Date Conference Times Scheduling
Open to Parents
Closed to Parents


1:30 PM – 7:30 PM

10/25 @ 8:00AM

11/5 @ 11:59PM


8:00 AM – 12:00 PM

10/25 @ 8:00AM

11/6 @ 7:30PM

At your scheduled time you will access the zoom meeting link in one of two ways below.
  1. Log into Skyward and view your scheduled times and copy the zoom link into a browser, or 
  2. Find the teacher that you have a conference with below and click their name to get the Zoom meeting link.
Use your name that we have on record in Skyward when entering the Zoom meeting.  The teacher will let you in from the waiting room once they are available.  Watch this tutorial on how to set up Zoom. Contact Kevin Leighton [email protected] or 314-692-6670 or Hannah Bryant, [email protected] or 314-692-6772 with any questions.
Counselors and Learning consultants will meet with parents through Zoom(the link is access by clicking on the name); however, meetings will remain unscheduled. If a counselor or learning consultant is occupied and unable to admit a parent into their personal meeting room within 5-10 minutes, please send the counselor or learning consultant an email message (click Email directly under the name) notifying them of the need for conference. The counselor or learning consultation will respond as soon as they are available.
Mrs. Laura Griese
Mr. Brian Groark
Ms. Kristi Treml
Mr. Jeff Winter
Counselors and Learning Consultants will meet with parents through Zoom (the link is accessed by clicking on the name); however, meetings will remain unscheduled. If a Counselor or Learning Consultant is occupied and unable to admit a parent into their personal meeting room within 5-10 minutes, send an email message (click Email directly under the name) notifying them of the need for a conference. The Counselor or Learning Consultant will respond as soon as they are available.
Mr. Tony DiSalvo
Mr. Tim Sartori
Dr. Amy Tricamo
Mr. Vince Viviano
College Counselors will meet with parents through Zoom (the link is accessed by clicking on the name); however, meetings will remain unscheduled. If a Counselor is occupied and unable to admit a parent into their personal meeting room within 5-10 minutes, send them an email message (click Email directly under the name) notifying them of the need for a conference. Their College Counselor will respond as soon as they are available.
Mrs. Julia Martin
Mrs. Dawn Michel