Academics » Academic Support

Academic Support

Chaminade's Academic Support Program's goal is to assist students of all ability levels in reaching their full academic potential.

The Esto Vir Academic Resource Center (ARC), located on the lower level of Frische Hall, houses the Academic Support Program. The ARC is a place for students to seek out the resources they need to be successful at Chaminade. The Academic Support Program is comprised of several new initiatives, and many longstanding resources, for students to take advantage of throughout the school year.

Below are the components of the Academic Support Program:

Each student is assigned a 30 minute period known as an Academic Lab (Ac Lab for short) during which they may work on homework or seek out help from teachers and learning consultants.

ACT Prep and Exam information is published in the Weekly Parent Newsletter and in parent emails.

Mrs. Laura Saunders, BA
Location: Counseling Center - Chaminade Hall

Chaminade ACT Special Testing information:
Chaminade coordinates with ACT to offer special testing accommodations to meet individual student’s needs. Chaminade offers special testing for timing code 5 and timing code 7.These accommodations need to be school sanctioned, and ACT approved. If you are unsure if your son is eligible for special testing accommodations, please contact Tony Di Salvo, Email or (314)993-4400 ext. 1162.
Second Semester ACT Special Testing Dates
Test Date Registration Deadline CCP Test Dates
September 14, 2024  August 23, 2024 September 14 & 15, 2024
October 26, 2024 September 20, 2024 October 26 & 27, 2024
December 14, 2024 November 8, 2024 NOT OFFERED
A variety of after school programs are available to students on a voluntary basis, but may be strongly recommended by a student’s teacher or counselor. Most programs take place Monday – Thursday from 3:00 – 4:00; however, some resources are available before school, and later into the evenings.
*We are in the process of assigning schedules for the 2024-2025 academic year.  Below are last year's proctors.
Location: Atrium
Mrs. Amy Anderson
Math Instructor
Mondays (3:00 - 4:30 p.m.)
Mr. Alpha Bangura, MA
Biology Instructor
Monday through Thursday (4:00 - 6:00 p.m.)
Mr. Michael Corte
Theology Instructor
Friday (3:00 - 5:00 p.m.)
Dr. Cici Faucher
Physics Instructor
Monday through Friday (3:00 - 4:30 p.m.)
Mrs. Mary Kate Galvan, BA
Spanish Language Instructor
Tuesday and Wednesday (3:00 - 4:30 p.m.)
Mrs. Kathie Hammell, MA
Theology Instructor
Friday (3:00-5:00)
Ms. Amelia Jones
Art Instructor
Monday and Thursday (3:00 - 4:30 p.m.)
Ms. Dawn Michel
College Counseling
Thursdays (3:00 - 4:30 p.m.)
Dr. Mark Neels
Social Studies Instructor
Tuesday and Wednesday (3:00 - 4:30 p.m.)
Mr. Brian O'Shaughnessy
Science Instructor
Tuesdays (3:00 - 4:30 p.m.)
Mr. Rick Wibbenmeyer, MA
Math Instructor
Mondays (3:00 - 4:30 p.m.)
Chinese Honor Society (Grades 9-12)
National Chinese Honor Society Senior students can be contacted for a mutually agreeable time and campus location for tutoring
French Honor Society Tutoring
Ms. Patty LaBelle for more information.
Spanish Honor Society Tutoring
Profesora Megan Rosario Rouse
Tuesday and Wednesday (7:35 a.m - 7:55 a.m.)
National Honor Society (All Subject Areas)
Tuesday and Thursday in the Library (3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.)
Monday through Friday in MS 7 and MS 9 (3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.)
Three full time Learning Consultants are available during Academic Labs and after school. They are also are available before school by appointment.
Ms. Kristi Treml, MA
Grades 6-12
Contact for appointment.

For new students all documentation supporting educational diagnosis should be submitted during the application process to ensure accommodations are in place for the start of the school year. If educational needs are not disclosed during the admissions process, anticipate a delay in finalization and distribution of any learning plan.

Chaminade Education Learning Plans (CEAPs) are distributed within the first weeks of the school year. To ensure the student’s learning plan is distributed to his teacher to start the semester, all documentation (re-evaluations or additional requested documentation) must be submitted by August 1st.  Any documents submitted after this date will delay the distribution of the student’s learning plan.

In order to apply for accommodations for the ACT and College Board (PSAT, SAT, and AP test), CEAPs must be in place for 6 months before a testing accommodation request can be submitted to either testing agency. 

Chaminade is a college preparatory school with demanding requirements, which all enrolled students are expected to meet. For students with an official, documented diagnosis of a learning disability/difference, the following testing and classroom accommodations can be offered at Chaminade. It is important to note that Chaminade is not able to provide intensive accommodations or curriculum modifications typically utilized in schools with dedicated special education programs. Only the specific accommodations listed within the Chaminade Student Handbook can be included in a student’s learning plan, and they must be recommended by the diagnosing clinician.

Testing Accommodations:

Timing: Extended time: 150% on classroom assessments, semester exams, and standardized assessments.

Setting: Testing in a reduced distraction environment.

Response: Allowance for the test answers to be recorded directly to the test. 
                 Allowance for an option of a paper test when a computer test is the standard format.

Classroom Accommodations:

Setting: Preferential Seating

Presentation: Note-taking support to supplement student notes. Use of audio supplements: during independent work time (not provided by school)

Response: Use of Calculator when the test does not solely assess calculation skills. Use of Laptop in place of handwritten assignments or handwritten notes. (in accordance with the acceptable use of technology policy)

To be found eligible for a formal accommodation plan at Chaminade, the school must be provided with a current psychoeducational assessment, as well as a documented diagnosis of a learning disability/difference. Other diagnoses of clinical and medical disorders may also qualify a student for an accommodation plan. Submitted documentation will be reviewed by one of Chaminade’s Learning Consultants. Additional documentation may be requested to fulfill the eligibility requirements. Once all requested documentation is submitted and reviewed, an accommodation plan will be developed for the student and distributed during the following grading period.  Students hoping to take advantage of testing accommodations for semester exams must have all paperwork submitted by November 1st in the first semester, and April 1st in the second semester.  See below for examples:

  • Clinical disorders/disabilities (e.g. Anxiety, Depression) should be diagnosed by a psychiatrist, psychologist, or licensed professional counselor, not a pediatrician.  If you have questions about who an appropriate clinician is to complete the evaluation, please contact your student’s house counselor or learning consultant. Documents submitted must include the diagnosis, assessment results used for diagnosis, and recommendations. The initial evaluation submitted must be within the last 12 months. Updates are required annually.
  • Medical disorders/disabilities (e.g., Visual impairment, hearing impairment, diabetes, neurological disorders) should be diagnosed by an appropriate medical professional, a specialist in their respective field, not a pediatrician. Documents submitted should include diagnosis, assessments results, limitations caused by the medical impairment, and recommendations. The initial evaluation submitted must be with the last 12 months. Updates are required annually.
  • Learning disorders/disabilities (e.g. dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, etc.) require a comprehensive educational evaluation from a qualified clinician. The assessment must include the diagnosis, results from a cognitive and achievement testing, and recommendations. The initial evaluation submitted must be within 30 months of the assessment date. Updates are required every 3 years.
  • Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) can fall into all three diagnostic categories, but testing agencies such as ACT and College Board may require a complete psychoeducational evaluation. Please note, a medical ADHD diagnosis will need to come from a medical specialist, such as a neurologist or psychiatrist, and not from a general practitioner or pediatrician.
Students may take advantage of the quiet study space and numerous educational resources in the Chaminade Library.
The Summer Esto Vir Remediation Summer Program is one component of the Chaminade Summer Academy. This program component provides assistance for Chaminade students who are in need of remediating and recovering academic credit. Summer courses will be taught by Chaminade's faculty. Summer remediation information with be shared in early June with students and families. 
Middle School students are provided with a consistent study space, and can receive some tutoring/homework guidance from Chaminade faculty.
Mrs. Denise Portman
Location: MS 9
Mondays through Fridays 3:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Mr. Ryan Slattery, MA
Location: MS 7
Mondays through Fridays 3:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Students receive study skills support from Chaminade counselors and learning consultants.

Mrs. Laura Griese, MA
Mr. Jeff Winter, MA
Location - Middle School Office Grades 6-8
Middle School counselors have information on study skills, time management, and organization. Students may arrange for counseling appointments.

Mrs. Amy Tricamo, MA (Meyer and O’Donnell)
Mr. Tim Sartori, MA (Mauclerc)
Mr. Vince Viviano, MA (Gray and Lamourous)
Location: Counseling Center - Chaminade Hall Grades 9-12
High School counselors have information on study skills, reading strategies, note-taking, time management, and organization. Students may arrange for counseling appointments.