Food Service

Creative Dining Services is the food service provider for Chaminade College Prep. We provide a variety of breakfast and lunch options in Café Moe for the students, faculty, and staff.
Creative Dining Services

We take the responsibility of feeding your son to heart. We understand the connection between good nutrition and good performance – academically and athletically. So you should know Creative Dining Services makes healthy food that tastes great. Whole foods cooked authentically from scratch, starting from a simple list of unprocessed ingredients.
We know that good eating habits are a learned behavior, so we do our best to help our students understand their choices. We make it fun to explore and learn about cultural cuisines by enthusiastically introducing new menu items with presentations about where the food comes from, how it is grown and how it fuels your body. Not all children like to try new foods, but when consistently given the opportunity, you may be surprised by how their tastes can grow with the choices they are offered. We do our part to ensure your student is given the opportunity to learn healthy behaviors that will shape their relationship with food for the rest of their lives.
We are here to serve you by offering a nourishing meal that supports your son's growth and development. To us, that’s priceless. And yet it doesn’t come without a price. Many things impact the cost of a program in our world, such as increase in food prices, new industry regulations or the number of families who participate in our program. We can’t always control these things, but we can promise you this: our quality and service will never waiver.
Our lunch menus are posted online on the right side of this page under "Current Menu". Parents and students can view their food service account by logging onto Skyward to see specific items purchased each day and meal account balances.
Each student scans their barcode, located on their key card, student ID card, the Skyward app, or the CCP app, to activate their meal account at the registers. The computer screen will display their photo, name and account balance. Items being purchased will be rung up and the amount automatically deducted from their account. Students will not be allowed to accrue a negative balance in their meal account.
Parents may reload the meal accounts online via Skyward Family Access and RevTrak or pay with cash or checks (made out to Chaminade) which will be accepted at the registers in Café Moe when placed in a properly filled out deposit envelope. Please remind your son to put his name on the deposit envelope.
Breakfast is served 7:15 AM until 7:45 AM on normal schedule school days. On LATE START days, breakfast is served 8:00 AM until 8:30 AM. Lunch is served 11:05 AM until 1:25 PM unless there is a special schedule. The Snack Shack – located in the northeast corner of Café Moe – serving cold drinks, candy and snacks for purchase is open from 2:50 PM until 3:30 PM.
Please contact Jon Friganza with any concerns or questions. Email Jon at [email protected] or call 314-692-6643. We look forward to the opportunity to feed your son. It's an honor and a responsibility we do not take lightly.
Cafeteria Service Volunteer
Cafeteria Volunteer Signup:
Food Service Payment
Online Food Service Payment Instructions