Boarding/Residential » Marianist Hall

Marianist Hall

Chaminade has a proud boarding tradition dating back to our founding in 1910. For more than a century we have hosted students from all over the United States and the world.  The resident hall is important in the creation of a diverse learning environment and helps create a family atmosphere that is a trademark of a Marianist education.
With the building of Marianist Hall, we can move our resident program into the modern era, allowing us to better serve our students and continue the legacy we have built for over 100 years.


Marianist Hall Ground Breaking May 23 2023 Marianist Hall Construction June 23 2023 Marianist Hall Construction August 17 2023
Marianist Hall Construction September 14, 2023 Marianist Hall Construction October 12 2023 Marianist Hall Construction October 26 2023
Marianist Hall Construction November 11 2023 Marianist Hall Construction November 16 2023 Marianist Hall Construction November 21 2023
Marianist Hall Construction December 7 2023 Marianist Hall Construction February 21 2024 Mach 27 2024
April 18 2024 May 2 2024 Marianist Hall May 23 2024
Marianist Hall June 11 2024    
 Our resident program is a long standing hallmark of life on the Chaminade campus and is fundamental to our culture. By embarking on a project to provide a new facility to house our resident students, we are committing to an ongoing rich and diverse environment for all of our Chaminade Gentlemen. We know that this environment is vital for them to succeed in the global community of tomorrow.
Each room will be home to two students. A shared bathroom with full amenities will be assigned to a maximum of four students. The bedrooms will feature a sustainable design including a high efficiency HVAC system, motion sensor LED lighting, and accommodations for modern technology.
 Gathering spaces will be available throughout the building to allow for students to come together as they relax and become accustomed to the family spirit that is such a large part of the Chaminade experience.
Chaminade currently houses students from 14 countries, including Mexico, Canada, China, Thailand, Finland, and Spain. With students coming from all over the world, we are able to provide a culturally diverse learning environment.
Chaminade also houses domestic students from all over the United States, including students from Missouri, Illinois, Texas, North Carolina, and Florida.
 learn more about the chaminade resident program